Thursday 27 October 2016

Pre Christmas Sales Promotion!!! 40% discount on all products

Goshen Enterprise Ghana ongoing Pre Christmas Sales Promotion!!! 40% discount on all products. Please call or WhatsApp 0243756495, 0265735607 or 0247027451 to place your order.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Ways on How Positive Thinking Leads to Success

One of the hardest obstacles I have had to learn to overcome is shaking off rude customers. There are some people who look at any salesperson as the enemy, and for some reason feel entitled to be rude to them. While there are many ways to overcome this, whenever it happened to me it affected my attitude for the rest of the day. Over time, I started paying more attention to my mentality. I focused on and practiced positivity, and I noticed my sales results increased. What's more interesting is how adopting a positive mindset has helped in all aspects of business and in life.


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Original Nicer Dicer Plus @ an affordable price

Are you living in Ghana?Surprise your mum,wife,fiancee with this Original Nicer Dicer Plus @ an affordable price.Please call or whatsapp 0243756495 or 0247027451 to place your order.

How to stay positive and determined when starting a business

Ever had a light bulb moment for a new business? It can happen anywhere, any time – while you’re at work, out for a run or in the shower. Taking your idea and turning it into something tangible can be an exciting prospect. There are probably lots of questions flying around in your head: Is my idea good enough? Will I be able to do it in my free time? Do I eventually want to work for myself? Has someone done it before etc., etc.? While you might feel like dropping everything and going for it here are some things you should consider before jumping in feet first: